Spin Spin Sugar

I'm everyone – hang your label on me

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creep close like stars

I love the original version of this song, but this remix is so creepy and awesome, that I wanted to share.

Also if you want to buy your own copy of it, you can by donating to One Love for Chi.

An exclusive again for oneloveforchi.com the official remix of Deftones “You’ve Seen The Butcher” by Richie Londres & AJ Cookson of Sol Invicto. Their second official remix from Deftones Diamond Eyes album we are offering. We decided to leave it up to you to donate what you want for it, 100% of the donation goes to Chi, you can get the track for a donation of $2/$5/$10 or $20 its up to you!

You might remember Chi suffered a brain injury in 2008 during a car wreck and he has been in a semi concious state since then. All the money raised from this website goes directly to his medical care.

While the Deftones may not be your cup of tea, just know that they are some of the good guys in this industry and Chi is a really good soul. It’d be awesome if he were ever to recover.